Isnin, 25 Mei 2015

Facts about Pearl Milk Tea!! So sad~

Assalamualaikum my lovelies~

As im writing this post, i am really craving for Pearl Milk Tea!!!!!!! Even though i just had it last sunday --' ,that drink is soooo addictive! I started having this addiction of mine around last year....and to prove it, i have the picture below~
Somehow the bubbles are no where to be seen haha,but it is Pearl Milk Tea
Actually, if compared to the milk tea, i prefer to have the bubbles alone, and i am very worried that due to this addiction i might gain weight and so.....i searched the net and found this!!!! The lady, "Rachel Loftspring" is also having the same "addiction" as mine and she preferred to eat the bubbles(pearl) rather than the drinks itself, but!! These are the truth about the bubbles!

"are tapioca pearls healthy?  The answer, according to, unfortunately appears to be “not really.”  Made from tapioca starch, the pearls are comprised mostly of carbohydrates, and not the nutritious and fiber-rich kinds found in whole grains.  What’s more, they are loaded with calories – a whopping 160 calories per ¼ cup serving – which is frankly a pretty small serving, particularly when yours truly has a tendency to order the bubble tea with extra bubbles.  Add to that the sugary carbohydrates from the smoothie, and bubble tea can easily top 300 or even 400 calories.  Yikes!  Best to put bubble tea in the occasional splurge category."

Gahhhhhhh.......thats a lot of calories! Gotta stop drinking this soon :(

But......i dont think i can..... T.T Might as well just make the bubbles myself....i think hehe

Will post the recipe soon!! Bye~

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