Rabu, 30 September 2015

My love for Japanese cuisine♥♥

Wahh...its been sometime since I updated my blog~been so busy with life lately hehe and of course still figuring out my novel continuation:-which, at the moment is at halt ==" *sigh~ well......that aside, referring to the title of the post, hehe 'my love for Japanese cuisine at the moment is kinda eating me at the moment T.T

It has been almost 3 months since I finished my school,  somewhere around the end of June? Yeahh....and since I have nothing to do at home, I decided to make my own food, well....im a girl afterall, I need to be good at cooking right? So basically,  there are advantage and disadvantage when it comes to long holidays, yeahhh.....I gain weight!!! T.T just in 3 months, I gained 2 kg!!?? Wait....maybe more uhuhu....

But, the weird thing is, I do exercises also, and yeahh I do admit that I eat a lot nowadays,  but the food that I eat is mostly healthy! And so, I blame metabolism!!! Why dont I have high metabolism like some women do? Specifically, a Japanese youtuber named, Yuka Kinoshita,  she ate tons of food and she only gained around 2-3 kgs over 3 years??? And I gained 2-?? Kgs in 3months.....Does that even make sense? Grrr....

Nonetheless,  I also feel grateful that im able to eat decent food, and able to make food that I want, thanks to Allah :) im just, dissatisfied with myself, why do I tried to eat like that Japanese girl? Obviously,  she is an expert, unlike me, serve me right ==" And so, I decided to diet today but....again im defeated to lust for sweet drinks T.T gahhhh I need to stop this!!!

Other than Japanese food, im also crazy with Korean food! Gahh♥♥

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